Laura Vallgren
Laura Vallgren (formerly Stenroos) is a psychologist and psychotherapist who has spent her entire career working with individuals in the creative field, particularly performers and those in the public eye. She has experience with students from various artistic institutions, including Sibelius High School, Sibelius Academy, Pop & Jazz Conservatory, Helsinki Conservatory, the professional training program of the Opera Ballet School, and the Theatre Academy, as well as with professionals in these fields.
With over 20 years of experience in the music industry and in film and television productions, Laura has recently worked as a private psychologist and psychotherapist for people in creative professions. Her work has encompassed a wide range of activities, including media productions, providing background support for UMK artists, and offering coaching and psychotherapy for artists.
Viime vuodet Laura on työskennellyt yksityisenä psykologina ja psykoterapeuttina luovilla aloilla oleville ihmisille. Työ on pitänyt sisällään laaja-alaisesti kaikenlaista, kuten media-alan tuotantoja, UMK artistien taustatukena olemista, ja artistien työnohjausta ja psykoterapiaa.