Music x Media



Onni Ikonen is the founder and CEO of the Tampere-based art form brand Pispala. With a background in business and a master's degree in commerce, he thrives in the realms of art, music, and fashion, where his professional calling and passion lie in commercializing creative industries. The Pispala brand, created by Ikonen, merges contemporary art with ethical fashion, establishing a new revenue stream and marketing channel for artists through the fashion brand. Despite his young age, Pispala has already engaged in strategic collaborative collections with notable partners such as the Museum of Contemporary Art Kiasma and the ice hockey club Ilves. The next collaboration is set to be with the Tampere Philharmonic Orchestra.

Ikosen luoma Pispala-brändi yhdistää nykytaidetta eettiseen muotiin ja luo uudenlaisen tulonlähteen ja markkinointikanavan taiteilijoille muotibrändin avulla. Nuoresta iästään huolimatta Pispala on päässyt tekemään jo strategisia yhteistyömallistoja mm. Nykytaiteen museo Kiasman ja jääkiekkoseura Ilveksen kanssa. Seuraavana vuorossa on Tampereen Filharmonia.

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