Music x Media

Marcin Poprawski (PhD) works at the Humak University of Applied Sciences in Helsinki (School of Arts and Cultural Management). His interests include performing arts organizations, ethical dimensions of managing cultural enterprises, cultural policy, audience engagement, festivals as organizations, urban cultural ecosystems, and creative sectors.

Marcin coordinates at Humak the COSM Cultural Management and Sustainabilty Values oriented educational modules, and serves as the Finnish team leader in the Horizon Europe EKIP – European Cultural and Creative Industries Policy Platform project led by Lund University. He was a guest lecturer at several universities in Finland, Poland, Germany, Italy, Austria, Czech Republic, Great Britain, Spain and Switzerland. He has worked as a cultural manager in private, public and civic organizations for seventeen years, including eight years as director of a music festival.

Marcin is coming to Music X Media to delve into the key themes of his latest work, ”Festivals and Values. Music, Community Engagement and Organizational Symbolism” (Springer Nature, 2023) discussing sustainability in festival production, value-based solutions, holistic responsibility in event management, and the value chains of experience economies. The talk will also touch upon the crucial collaboration between cities and events and the role of the audience engagement.

This content is produced by Creative Business Days (Humak UAS / CCI Business Service Creve). This program will be delivered in English.

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