Music x Media



Lars "Lasse" Norres (born September 21, 1952, in Helsinki) is a Finnish music and entertainment industry influencer. In the 1980s, he served as the manager for the popular band Dingo and as a communications officer for Finnlevy/Fazer Music. Currently, he runs his own company, Entertainment Capital Finland Oy. In 2008, he received the Music & Media Award for his 40 years of contributions to the music industry. He was elected to the Vantaa City Council in the municipal elections of autumn 2008, 2012, 2016, and 2020 as a candidate from the National Coalition Party.

Nykyisin hän työskentelee omassa yrityksessään nimeltä Entertainment Capital Finland Oy.

Vuonna 2008 hän sai Musiikki & Media -palkinnon 40-vuotisesta elämäntyöstään musiikkialalla.

Hänet valittiin Vantaan kaupunginvaltuustoon syksyn 2008, 2012, 2016 ja 2020 kunnallisvaaleissa kokoomuksen listalta.

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