Music x Media



Music x Media is a professional event for creative industries that has been running in Tampere since 1989. We are now looking for interns to our team to make Music x Media 2023, that takes place on 4–7 October 2023 in Tampere, Finland.

The interns are working in different tasks of event production and/or marketing and communications. Productional work might consist tasks of coordination of speakers, venue production, volunteers etc. Tasks in communications can be anything from social media content production to graphical design and writing. The final role and tasks of the interns are build to match interns hopes, acquirements and development targets.

We hope our interns are
– Positive problem solvers and independent and trustworthy people
– Able to manage under pressure
– Able to manage with Finnish and English, both written and spoken
– Getting along with different people in different atmospheres
– Being passionated about culture and events!

The internship’s total length (in hours) would be around 2–3 months, and ideally the period would be shared partly for the spring/summer time and partly for October 2023. The main period with mostly full hours would take place in August/September, otherwise internship will be part-timed. The length, starting & ending times, hours and part-timing can be discussed to match with interns study and/or work schedule.

The pre-production of the event is done mainly in Helsinki, partly as remote work, but living in Helsinki is not obligated. During the event week on October the whole team is working in Tampere.

Fill the application form and add your CV before 9.3.2023 .

More info and Questions:
Music x Media
Petra Kytölä

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