Finland’s biggest showcase festival Lost In Music will take place again in Tampere on October 4-7, 2023. The city festival, which spreads around Tampere’s clubs and venues, has opened today their artist applications, which are open until 31 March 2023. Tampereella 4.-7.10.2023. Ympäri Tampereen klubeja ja keikkapaikkoja levittäytyvä kaupunkifestivaali on tänään avannut artistihaun, joka on auki 31.3.2023 asti.
As in recent years, music industry professionals and unsigned artists have their own application forms. Artist selections are made throughout the process, so it is recommended to send out the application well in advance before the end of March.
This year, Lost In Music will especially emphasize the topicality, internationalization and diversity of the artists. Festival will also give extra points for clear career and publication plans shown already in the application phase. The final artist selections for Lost In Music are made by the festival promoter Pietu Sepponen, who is assisted by a diverse program group that will be named later.
Artist search and application forms:
Additional information and interviews:
Pietu Sepponen / Promoter
puh. 044-5566113